Sarah signed up at Arizona Mills Mall food court to "compete" in a America Auditions model/talent contest. The first round was yesterday. The second round was this photo shoot today.
The talent scout told her she was adorable and asked her if she wants to come "intern" at the mall. Best I can tell, an intern hangs around at this company's booth at the food court with some of the other kid interns and basically answers questions from other kids. There's no pay apparently, but you get some free photo shoots and the scouts recommendation to agencies (not really sure what that means). It's like 4 hours a couple of days a week until early June, but at least that will give her something to do. She's proud of herself, and I'm proud of her for putting herself out of her comfort zone.
The next portion is the talent show. She's planning to sing (she's actually fairly good at it). And then there is a runway fashion show, both are on June 2 at Arizona Mills at 3:45 pm so come support her if you can! The prize is a one-year modeling/acting contract (don't really know what that means exactly either), but if it boosts her self-confidence, then it's priceless!