Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Great Salt Lake

We rode out to the Great Salt Lake and had a picnic. It was kind of foggy so it's hard to see the water in the distance, but it looks similar to an ocean in that it goes on and on forever. There is a bison herd on the island that we went to - Antelope Island - with about 600 animals that roam free. I think the lake is 75 miles long and 25 miles wide and has several islands in it besides Antelope Island. It is very rural out there, and the water is about 15% salt so you wouldn't want to swim in it, although I think you can in certain areas. There are no fish, but a lot of flies and brine shrimp which the birds eat. There are seagulls there, which seems strange because it's inland, but then again, the Lake is more salty than the ocean so I guess seagulls make sense. The Lake is an important resting spot for many other migratory birds.

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