Thursday, August 6, 2009

Girls Church Camp

I'm so thankful for the women and girls at church who love Sarah even though she never returns the feeling. When a girl turns 12, she moves up into the Young Women's program, and can go to summer camp for a week each year, but Sarah refused to go this, her first year. But they didn't forget about her. They made her one of all the things that Sarah would have made had she gone at camp. They made her (from left to right) a backpack and filled it full of snacks and water bottles; a name plate for her bunk (that I'm going to put on her bedroom door); handmade pajamas; a woven basket full of goodies for pampering; a journal; and a personalized face mask (which was for use in cleaning the bathrooms at camp). The theme for camp was from Wicked and so the monkeys have some connection to that. And the little red ruby slipper pin next to the monkey is to remind them that "there's no place like home." Meaning, that they should look forward to going back to both their earthly home and their spirtual home in Heaven. I'm so grateful for the love and encouragement our church family gives to us!


Steven C. said...

That's so sweet! Is she not active, or just didn't go to camp?

Lynda Anderson said...

We make her go to church, but she's never liked being there. Says she feels "too loved." I's backwards!