Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas visitors

We were blessed this week to spend time with the Beck/Pitts family, who we know from Ohio. Paul and Debbie Beck are serving a mission for our church in Glendale for two 1/2 more years, and their oldest daughter, Tricia and her family, came to spend the week with her parents. This is the first Christmas that Paul and Debbie have been away from their kids, but it was eased a bit with the Pitts' visit. Tricia was about 16 when Erik was born, and she became our babysitter and surrogate mother to the kids. She and Bill have their own family now: Gavin (8), Abigail (5) and Brandon (3). We were able to see them a couple of different times this past week, spending Christmas eve at the Beck's just like we have for the past 12 years or so. Here's the Pitts family wearing the Arizona Diamondback hats we gave them.

1 comment:

Lizard said...

it's nice to see a christian family. i am also a fellow believer of Jesus Christ