Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Eve at the Becks!

As we've done for 15 years, we spent Christmas Eve with the Becks. Paul and Debbie are on their last six months of serving a mission here in Phoenix, so we'll have to go to Ohio to continue our tradition in the future. The only Beck kids who could come this year was Tyler and his new wife, Sarah. Robbie and Larry Clark, from our ward in Ohio, was also at Paul and Debbie's as they are serving a mission along side the Beck's for a year.

We had our traditional great meal, followed by playing Christmas music on the chimes, and the nativity scene although Baby Jesus was a statue because Olivia or Taylor weren't there! We also of course had our Christmas bingo and gift exchange. The spirit was very special and although our group was small, it was a great Christmas Eve!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas 2010

Merry Christmas 2010!

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. That pretty much describes 2010 for our family. Lars was laid off from his job in January, and my dad passed away on January 23. I lost my job in July, when the grant funding ran out, along with our health insurance. BUT in August, I graduated with my master's degree. Having both Lars and I off work, we were able to spend a month in Kentucky visiting my family. In September, I was able to go to South Carolina and the beach while helping my sister move into her new house. In October, I got a job that I am loving, and my newest baby niece Shelby joined our family. In November, Erik achieved a huge milestone - his Eagle Scout rank. So it really has been a roller coaster ride of a year!

I'm back to work at ASU and so we are hoping that Lars can get to work on his master's degree. He is going to have to take some pre-requisite classes first, that he is planning to start in January. In the meantime, he's been working on getting new clients to teach weight lifting to and practicing his own jiu jitsu training. He (and I) have experienced a lot of illness this year, which is unusual for us both. He's going to an allergist this week; he may have asthma now. So much for good Arizona air!

Erik, as I mentioned, achieved his Eagle scout rank this year. He started scouting in first grade, and is now in 10th grade, so it is quite an accomplishment to stick with it so long. We're grateful to all his leaders who helped him along the way! He is wrestling for Corona Del Sol High School also. They won state the last two years, so the pressure is on to perform well again this year. He's on the JV team, at 145 pounds. He's doing well in school; taking honors English and Biology, as well as Algebra 3-4. He hopes to pursue a career in engineering or science, but first, he needs to learn to drive! We are hoping to get his permit while on Christmas break.

Sarah is in 8th grade now and turning 14 in January. She's a good athlete too, but doesn't like to be in group sports, so Lars has been taking her with him to the gym to lift weights a couple of times a week. I'd love to see her start competing in female weightlifting. She took Theatre and Chorus this semester and got A's in both classes. I always have thought she'd make a great actress and entertainer! We are visiting high schools right now because she is thinking about attending a vocational school rather than Corona. One of them here offers a vet. assistant certificate, and that is something she is interested in. She's always loved animals and would like to work with them when she grows up.

We've enjoyed being in our house this year and I have finally finished painting the entire thing! We've had some company this year when my mom came out in March for about 10 days. Lars' family came for my graduation ceremony in May. My sister was also here for work this fall, so we saw her for a day or two. In September, my mom and I went to Charleston to see my sister's new house. Over Thanksgiving, my mom and sisters met in New York City for the Macy's Day Parade. It was a blast! (I haven't finished the blog for that trip or uploaded the pictures yet, but I'll get to it eventually.) It's been so great to share so many good times with my mother this year!

We're so grateful to our church, friends and family who have helped us so much this year! We've had a lot of trials...more than I care to ever have again...but also so many blessings. I hope that everyone has a safe and happy holiday season, and an even better 2011! Love, The Anderson's

Times Square

Empire State Building

Brooklyn Bridge

World Trade Center

The World Trade Center has begun to be rebuilt. This is a banner of what it will look like. They have built about seven floors so far. There will be a museum about 9/11 along with two pools of water where the old towers stood. The new towers are all different heights and there will be an Arts Center there as well. What is really cool to know about is that there is a church across the way from Ground Zero that was built in the late 1600's. George Washington worshipped there. And despite all the damage on that horrible day, not even a crack in the windows appeared on the church. It became the command center post and the place for volunteers to rest and be fed. It's an amazing place.

Statue of Liberty - Ellis Island

Macy's Parade 2010

We got up about 7:00 am to get to the Macy's Parade by 9:00 am. Went we to the top near Central Park around 68th street to watch it because the locals said it would be less crowded up there. We were about 4 layers deep but had a pretty good view. There were some stars in the parade. Pictured here is Jessica Simpson, Amanda Crosgrove (iCarly), and the cast of Saturday Night Live. Gladys Knight was there and some other singers I've never heard of. There were lots of bands, including Eastern High School from Louisville (my mom's alma mater). The weather was fairly good that day, about 45 and no rain or wind. After the parade, we walked around Central Park. Mom and Jackie took a horse carriage ride through the park with Kelsey and her friends. Me, Karen and Sheila went to FAO Schwartz in search of a bathroom!

Sunset cruise in Charleston

On Tim's birthday, we took a sunset sailboat cruise of Charleston's harbor. There was a dolphin swimming around the boat while it was docked. We saw some beautiful homes, and some big cargo ships.

The sunset was incredible! It was a gorgeous night and a lot of fun!